Benchmark Sixty

Benchmark Sixty has created a one-of-a-kind, premium restaurant business optimization program. This program aims to bridge the gap between data and operations, turning sometimes inactionable data into a winning strategy.

Their program was created by the best restaurant consultants in the industry and aims to  generate ROI you won’t find anywhere else. They work side-by-side with restaurateurs all over the world using their proprietary systems designed to measure productivity, workload, and business output.

Teaching your team to understand, measure, and leverage these metrics can change your business forever. If you’re ready to take advantage of their program and start working with their hospitality consulting firm, reach out to Benchmark Sixty today.

Partner and Integrations Details:

Partner Details:

Integrations Details:

  • Data-driven approach
  • Innovative retention strategies
  • Virtual-first, meaning they are able to provide support for hospitality businesses of any kind, anywhere in the world as long as they have access to a computer screen and some wifi

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What is the value of the integration to our clients?

HR employee conducting an in-person interview with a lady at a restaurant

Schedule smarter

Customize labor to sales costs breakdown
Understand how many employees to schedule based on forecasted labor cost from historical sales data brought in from the integration software
Restaurant manager scheduling through a laptop at a restaurant

Visualize your business traffic

Understand the slowest and busiest times
Understand which employees should be working at which times
Restaurant manager drinking coffee while checking payroll reports on his laptop

Analyze actionable insights for growth

View dashboards and key metrics at the click of a button
Easy access to real-time labor vs sales reports
Manage multiple locations in 1 easy dashboard
Data on screen illustration

Contact details

Contact information illustration

Getting started

Contact information illustration

Contact details